Season Unending is only available if the player has not yet completed the Civil War questline.
Epilogue – Return to Nirn and reap the rewards of your triumph.
Dragonslayer – Destroy Alduin and end his threat to Tamriel.
Sovngarde – Journey through Sovngarde to the Hall of Valor to enlist the help of three ancient heroes to fight Alduin.
The World-Eater's Eyrie – Pursue Alduin through an Ancient Dragon Temple to the realm of Sovngarde.
The Fallen – Prepare a trap for Odahviing, the right-hand dragon of Alduin, at Dragonsreach.
Paarthurnax – Kill Paarthurnax for the Blades.
Season Unending – Negotiate a peace treaty between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks.
Alduin's Bane – Battle Alduin with Paarthurnax at the top of the Throat of the World.
Elder Knowledge – Delve into Blackreach in search of one of the fabled Elder Scrolls to learn the shout needed to defeat Alduin.
The Throat of the World – Meet with the leader of the Greybeards, the dragon Paarthurnax, to learn how to defeat Alduin.
Alduin's Wall – Journey to Sky Haven Temple with the Blades to learn the secret of Alduin's Wall.
A Cornered Rat – Journey through the Ratway of Riften to find the other member of the Blades before the Thalmor do.
Diplomatic Immunity – Infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy to find out what the Aldmeri Dominion knows about the Dragons.
A Blade in the Dark – Meet with Delphine, One of the last survivors of the Blades and learn more about the Dragon threat.
The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller – Journey to a set of Ancient Nordic Ruins to recover the horn of the Greybeards' founder.ĭelphine sends the Dragonborn to investigate the Thalmor.
The Way of the Voice – Journey to High Hrothgar and meet with the mysterious Greybeards.
Dragon Rising – Fight and kill your first Dragon at the Western Watchtower.
Bleak Falls Barrow – Delve into an Ancient Nordic Ruins to recover the Dragonstone, a map of dragon burial sites.
Before the Storm – Journey to Whiterun and speak with Jarl Balgruuf about the dragon attack.
Unbound – Escape the village of Helgen, which is under attack by Alduin.